The Ledges 500 Carries Everything You Need Along With A Few Surprises. A Stiff And Well-Padded Back-Panel And Waist Belt Provide All-Day Comfort And Easy Rotation. The Main Compartment Holds 4 Large Fly Boxes And Stretch Mesh Pockets On The Face Are Great For Accessories. A Nice Surprise Integrated Net Slot And Hemostat Sheath For Easy Storage And Access
- Features:
- Net Slot Between Back Panel And Pack Body
- 2 X Zs Retractor Stations With Hypalon Attachment Bands
- Hemostat Sheath Allows Easy And Blind Access
- Zs Foam Fly Patch Station Includes Foam Fly Patch
- Zs Cord Tippet Holder “Stowable” When Not In Use
- Key Clip
- Shoulder Strap W/ Floating Pad
- 3X Molle Modular Attachment Station Compatible With The Following Accessories:
- Closed-Foot Zipper Sliders (Minimize Line Snag)
- Ykk Zippers
- Fabric: Body Fabric 420 Denier Nylon | High Wear Locations Ballistic Nylon
- Capacity 500 Cubic In
* Zs2 Foam Fly Patch* Zs2 Gel Floatant Holder * Zs2 Shimi Shake Floatant Holder* Zs2 Tippet Holder* Zs2 Water Bottle Holder* Zs2 Net Holder
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